
Digit span psychology definition
Digit span psychology definition

digit span psychology definition

Sex differences were noticed in mental health problems.įalls are one of the major problems in the elderly.

digit span psychology definition

About half of the respondents (50%) reported at least one mental health problem. Majority of the respondents consulted the physicians for their health problems. The prevalence of types of major health problems were found to vary according to sex. Near around half (48%) of respondents reported that they had of physical pain (joints, knee, back, stomach etc.) as a major physical health problem. The perceived health problems were found to vary among respondents according to sex. The study reveald that about three fourth (73%) of respondents perceived at least one health problem. Cross sectional descriptive study method was used with structured questionnaire and some qualitative survey tools such as FGDs, key informant interviews were used to collect information. and above were selected from 280 households. 353 elderly respondents (Male=149 and female=204) age varying for 60 yrs. The objective of the study was to explore the physical and mental health status of elderly people in urban setting of Nepal. The results of this study demonstrate that the Activity Rating Scale for Older Persons (ARSOP) is a valid and reliable instrument for measuring the activity levels of older persons. The scale includes three domains such as physical activity, psychological activity and social activity. A high degree of reliability was found and  value is 0.89. Item reproducibility co-efficient and Guttmann’s  co-efficient were calculated to estimate the validity and reliability of the scale. Structured interview schedule was prepared and pilot study on randomly selected 300 respondents was conducted to check the accountability of the schedule. The items related to physical, psychological and social activity for the proposed scale to assess activity levels among the older persons were generated by the help of reviewing of related literature, unstructured interviews of older persons, gerontologists and researchers. The objective of the study was to develop a reliable and valid measure to assess the activity levels among the older persons.

Digit span psychology definition